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Working to Protect Your Assets During Turbulent Times

Customized Guidance

Gryphon Financial Partners is a wealth management firm in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo, Ohio serving the needs of families, businesses, executives, and individuals for over 25 years. Our team’s focus is being a trusted resource for all aspects of wealth – from strategic asset allocation and detailed cash flow planning to tax-efficient wealth transfer strategies and comprehensive financial planning. Contact us today to set up a working session to discuss our approach and your objectives.

innovative wealth management and guidance gryphon financial partners brand mark

The Story Behind Our Name

The gryphon is a legendary, mythical creature. It is half lion and half eagle. Its duty is to guard and protect treasure and priceless possessions.

What We're Talking About

Featured Blog Post

The Fourth Industrial Revolution – The New Wave of Artificial Intelligence

Overview Impact of Innovation Throughout history, technological advances have played a pivotal role in fueling economic growth and shaping societies alike. From the earliest inventions, such as the ladder, to the cutting-edge digital technologies of present day, each leap forward has unleashed a wave of transformational power on economies worldwide. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the latest innovation that could reshape our daily lives. Historical Technological Advances and Economic Impact AI is being considered “The Fourth


Featured Podcast

Conquering Columbus Podcast gryphon financial partners discuss consulting

Conquering Columbus | Episode 119

The Gryphon is a legendary mythical creature that is half lion and half eagle, entrusted with the duty to guard and protect treasure and priceless possessions. That is the mission of the Gryphon Financial team as well — to safeguard their clients’ family, business and wealth. They’re committed to consulting and guiding their clients through all the transitions of their financial lives — from selling a business to investing to leaving a legacy.

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