Exiting Your Business – Find an Expert

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Most business owners spend 70-80 hours per week running their business. Their focus, as it should be, is on growing revenue, increasing margins, developing and managing their people and increasing the overall value of the business. This skill set is very unique and one that very few people possess which is why the majority of businesses are unable to grow beyond a few million dollars in sales.

These skilled, successful business owners who have created millions of dollars of wealth through their businesses now need and deserve a different, albeit also unique skill set to preserve and grow this accumulated wealth. For the last twenty years we have devoted our time and energy to developing the necessary skills to effectively help successful families exit their company on their own terms, in their desired time-frame and most importantly meet the many personal and financial goals as they leave their most valuable asset.

As you prepare for the next phase of life post business, we encourage you to really probe to establish the right team around you to ensure the most successful exit. The following questions will help determine if your advisors have the knowledge and experience:

  • How are my personal investments correlated with the market movements in my business equity?
  • How are my personal and business tax strategies integrated to ensure I have reduced the tax burden to the full extent?
  • If there are any key employees I want to impact as I exit, how do I do that in a tax efficient manner?
  • How does my cash flow strategy replace the income from my business while minimizing the risk I’m taking with my investments?
  • Is my exit plan and estate plan consistent with my values and how does it accomplish the goals I have for my children?
  • What is the effective strategy to use my new liquid wealth to impact the charitable organizations that I care about, and is my plan tax efficient?

Most business owners only experience one life changing liquidity event. This event establishes the framework for you to realize your life goals. According to studies conducted by the SBA, as many as 70% of business owners look back on the sale of their company with regret. We think establishing the right team is critical to ensure you are not in that 70%.  Advanced planning, experience and knowledge can dramatically improve your odds of success.

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