
Category: Market Updates & Commentary

Market Snapshot for June 2024

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a snapshot of the markets and the state of the economy. Economic Overview Market Returns Asset Class Valuations – Rebalancing Rationale Key Risk Factors We Are Watching Disclaimers: The views expressed herein are those of Asset Consulting Group (ACG).


Market Pulse for May 2024

OVERVIEW EQUITIES Equities have embarked on a robust journey since the beginning of the year, with the S&P 500 surging by an impressive 12.99%. Delving deeper into the benchmark (S&P 500) and dissecting it across various sectors, it’s evident that certain sectors are spearheading this surge. Communication Services (+21.53%), Information


Market Snapshot for May 2024

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a snapshot of the markets and the state of the economy. Economic Overview Market Returns Asset Class Valuations – Rebalancing Rationale Key Risk Factors We Are Watching Disclaimers: The views expressed herein are those of Asset Consulting Group (ACG).


Market Snapshot for April 2024

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a snapshot of the markets and the state of the economy. Economic Overview Market Returns Asset Class Valuations – Rebalancing Rationale Key Risk Factors We Are Watching Disclaimers: The views expressed herein are those of Asset Consulting Group (ACG).


The 2024 Presidential Election – Comparing Fiscal Agendas

Overview A Unique Election With both candidates having clinched their respective primaries, the 2024 Presidential election matchup is set as a rematch between incumbent President Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump. Given the unusual circumstances of both men having already been president, each candidate now has a track record that


Market Snapshot for March 2024

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a snapshot of the markets and the state of the economy. Economic Overview Market Returns Asset Class Valuations – Rebalancing Rationale Key Risk Factors We Are Watching Disclaimers: The views expressed herein are those of Asset Consulting Group (ACG).


Market Snapshot for February 2024

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a snapshot of the markets and the state of the economy. Economic Overview Market Returns Asset Class Valuations – Rebalancing Rationale Key Risk Factors We Are Watching Disclaimers: The views expressed herein are those of Asset Consulting Group (ACG).


Cash Management Strategies

Our cash management strategy updates regularly as interest rates move. Today interest rates are volatile, and we expect rate cuts later this year; meaning the highest yielding strategy may not be the same three months from now or even three weeks from now. Below are pros and cons of different


Is Cash King?

Summary The Federal Reserve raised interest rates 525 bps over the last two years, an abrupt shift from previous zero-interest rate policy Yields above 5% have attracted investors to money market funds as total assets grew ~20% in 2023 to more than $6 trillion While higher cash returns can be


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