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Protect. Protect. Protect.

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The gryphon is a legendary, mythical creature — half lion and half eagle. Its duty is to guard and protect family treasure and priceless possessions. At Gryphon Financial Partners, it is our goal and our honor to safeguard our clients’ lifestyle, business equity, personal wealth and legacy.

Protect Family:
The right insurance coverage will protect your family from the loss of future income and allow them to continue paying for their lifestyle, paying for college and continue pursuing their life goals. Finding the right advice for your individual situation is vital.

Protect Business:
If an owner or co-owner passes, the business can obviously suffer quickly. With the right insurance strategy, the surviving family members and partners will have enough capital to keep the business going while training a replacement or selling.

A buy-sell agreement is a legally binding contract that establishes a pre-determined purchase price between owners. We have helped many clients understand, structure, fund and execute different types of buy-sell agreements.

Protect Retirement Assets:
Mapping out an asset protection strategy for retirement is a very detailed process. Retiring clients very rarely want to lower their standard of living. We spend an inordinate amount of time asking questions and cash flowing out what clients want life to look like during retirement. This usually establishes first, is this the right time emotionally to retire and second, do they have the finances to make it possible. Once that is determined, our strategic asset allocation is all about protecting the downside risk as much as possible while also giving the highest probability of success.

Protect against Paying too much in Taxes:
We have yearly discussions with our clients’ CPA and Attorney advisors to make sure this specific question is always being addressed. Are there any new tax credits? Are there any expiring provisions that have been extended? Should we convert the business to an S Corp? These discussions frequently expose an opportunity.

Protect Identity and Credit:
Enrolling in comprehensive identity theft protection and credit monitoring helps safeguard finances, credit and your good name. In today’s world, that is more important than ever.


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