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Monthly Market Update for December 2019

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a review of the prior month’s market data, the state of the economy, and the global financial markets. Global Economy: In the spirit of the coming New Year, significant progress was made in December to bring resolution to a


Secure Act Key Retirement Changes

On Dec 20, 2019 President Trump signed into law The SECURE act, an acronym for Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement. The bill is intended to strengthen American’s retirement security. Key points: Increasing the Required Minimum Distribution Age Effective January 1, 2020, the age at which individuals must begin


Your Last Minute Year-End Reminders

By Year End Fund Health Savings Account (HSA): For 2019, those in high-deductible health-insurance plans can contribute as much as $3,500 before taxes. For families, the figure is $7,000 and those age 55 and older can contribute an additional $1,000. Spend flex dollars: Unused funds in Flexible Spending Accounts are typically forfeited


Monthly Market Update for November 2019

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a review of the prior month’s market data, the state of the economy, and the global financial markets. Global Economy: A pervasive feeling that a recession is not on the immediate horizon, due to ongoing moderate growth, fueled the


Strategies for Giving More

In honor of #GivingTuesday and the year-end giving season upon us, here are a few simple, helpful strategies. Create a plan to understand your impact Write a mission statement to focus your giving. Focus on what matters most to you by writing a few sentences about your giving goals. Use


Monthly Market Update for October 2019

Global Economy: Amid ongoing economic and geopolitical uncertainty, financial markets continued to climb the proverbial wall of worry in October. As prominent equity benchmarks achieved all-time highs, fixed income markets reacted to broad policy accommodation with steeper yield curves and a bias to quality. Concerns of global manufacturing weakness spilling


October 29th and 30th FOMC Meeting Follow-Up

Policy Easing Continues: Following the mid-cycle adjustment that took place in July and an insurance cut in September, the FOMC delivered its third consecutive monetary policy modification. With a vote to reduce the Fed Funds rate by another 25 bps, the targeted range now stands at 1.50% to 1.75%. As


Next Gen Series: Goal Setting to Jump Start Your Career

In our last blog, we highlighted the importance of goal setting in several life categories for young adults: Health-Fitness, Family, Financial, Personal-Hobbies, and Career. We wanted to explore the importance of setting career goals. Creating and writing down specific, formal goals early in your career can help you jump start


Monthly Market Update for September 2019

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a review of the prior month’s market data, the state of the economy, and the global financial markets. Global Economy: Shaking off continued geopolitical uncertainty, investors provided a renewed bid for risk assets in September. Accordingly, global equities advanced


Sept 17th and 18th FOMC Meeting Follow-Up:

Policy Normalization on Target: In spite of one member voting for a 50 bps reduction and two members voting for no change, the FOMC voted to reduce the Fed Funds rate by 25 bps to a targeted range of 1.75% to 2.00%. As has been the case for recent meetings,


Monthly Market Update for August 2019

Please find the next blog in our monthly series that provides a review of the prior month’s market data, the state of the economy, and the global financial markets. Global Economy: Uncertainty and volatility ruled the month of August, with globally depressed interest rates, US/China trade issues and the increased


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